Directions to Wood Store and Showroom


27324 Camino Capistrano
Suite 160
Laguna Niguel, CA 92677
Google Directions



Store Hours

Monday - Friday: 8AM - 5PM
Saturday: 8AM - 3:30PM
Sunday: Closed

From North Orange County:

i 5 freewayTake I-5 South

Exit #85 for Avery Pwy

Turn right onto Avery Pkwy

Turn right onto Camino Capistrano

From the South:

i 5 freewayTake I-5 North

Exit #85B for Avery Pwy

Turn left onto Avery Pkwy

Turn right onto Camino Capistrano

Proceed 1.4 miles

Pass the bridge


TAG is past Mugs Away Saloon on your right almost to the end of the street